Preparing for the Next Pandemic: The Role of Climate Change and Infectious Diseases

As new Covid-19 variants continue to emerge worldwide, the global scientific community is already gearing up for the next potential pandemic. With growing awareness of how climate change can influence the mutation and spread of infectious diseases, it's becoming clear that another pandemic is not a question of "if" but "when."

Understanding the Intersection of Climate Change and Infectious Diseases

Recent studies highlight the indirect impact of a warming climate on pathogens. As the planet's climate changes, including the expansion of tropical regions, the evolution and mutation of pathogens are also changing. This has significant implications for public health.

Research indicates that the reservoir of bacteria and viruses is expanding as the Earth warms. This means more animals and humans are being exposed to bacterial, viral, and fungal infections as vectors like ticks and mosquitoes inhabit more areas. For example, in the United States, the incidence rates of encephalitis and Lyme disease are increasing. Similarly, in China, mosquito-borne dengue fever is now found in regions where it previously did not thrive.

Global Patterns and Predictions

Countries in Southeast Asia and Africa continue to struggle with high levels of malaria, a situation exacerbated by climate change. The World Health Organization predicts that climate change will further influence the spread of vector-borne diseases due to changes in global temperature and precipitation patterns. There is also a possibility that ancient species of bacteria and fungi may emerge in warming northern regions, posing new threats.

The Importance of Data and Collaboration

Preparing for future pandemics requires extensive data and international collaboration. Researchers are focusing on establishing monitoring systems and platforms for sharing information. These initiatives will enable early detection of emerging pathogens, providing critical warnings and enabling rapid response actions.

The Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance

Another growing concern is antimicrobial resistance, where pathogens develop resistance to drugs designed to eliminate them. This resistance is exacerbated by environmental and climate changes, as well as human and animal activities. Addressing this issue requires a multidisciplinary approach involving researchers, doctors, government officials, and global organizations.

Integrated Approaches to Health

The One Health initiative emphasizes the importance of integrating different sectors of society to manage global health threats effectively. This approach includes not only addressing the immediate impacts of climate change on health but also considering the broader implications for disease treatment and management.

The Role of Market Research in Pandemic Preparedness

At Centaur Research, we believe that comprehensive market research is crucial in supporting efforts to prepare for future pandemics. By analyzing trends, collecting data, and providing actionable insights, we can help businesses, governments, and healthcare organizations make informed decisions. Our research can support the development of new health and safety products, the creation of effective public health campaigns, and the establishment of robust disease surveillance systems.

Looking Ahead

As the world continues to navigate the ongoing challenges posed by infectious diseases and climate change, it is essential to stay informed and proactive. Through collaboration, innovation, and dedicated research, we can better prepare for the future and mitigate the impact of the next pandemic.

At Centaur Research, we are committed to contributing to this global effort by providing high-quality market research that informs and empowers decision-makers. Together, we can build a safer, healthier future for all.


Chandrashekhar Khangjrakpam Singh

Centaur Research
website :

The Manipur Sexual Assault Video: Unraveling Politics, Delayed Justice, and a Nation's Shame

Both the central and state governments committed a series of mistakes.

The bone-chilling video of a horrific sexual assault in Manipur sent shockwaves through the nation. What's even more disturbing is that the incident had occurred on May 4, but the video only surfaced on July 19. This blog uncovers the politics behind the delayed exposure of the video, shedding light on the manipulative tactics used to keep it under wraps for 75 days.

The Horrifying Incident

In the Kangpokpi district of Manipur, two women from the Kuki-Zo tribe fell victim to a group of armed Meiteis in the aftermath of ethnic clashes on May 4.

Politics of Concealment

  1. Influence and Power: Influential figures with political connections exerted pressure to suppress the video and obstruct justice for their own interests.
  2. Suspicious Timing: The release of the video, just before the Parliament session, raised questions about political motives, considering the incident's proximity to a BJP MLA's constituency.
  3. Delayed Police Response: The police's slow action on the FIR added to the suspicion of political interference and lack of policing.

The Leak and Its Impact

Some Meitei political leaders leaked the video to Kuki groups, possibly to destabilize the current government. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's response reflected after salient since violence starts and the need for action.

It is positive to see the Prime Minister finally addressing the Manipur issue. However, had he spoken about it earlier, the situation might have been resolved much sooner, preventing the current prolonged state of affairs, in my opinion.


The delayed exposure of the Manipur sexual assault video reveals the deep entanglement of politics, power, and justice. This incident serves as a wake-up call for society and the government to prioritize the protection of victims' rights and ensure that justice prevails swiftly, regardless of political affiliations. 

Let us strive for a society where truth and accountability triumph over manipulation and secrecy. 

Opinion from :

Chandrashekhar Khangjrakpam

Centaur Research 

Skype: chandrashekhar28


India's Government Fails to Address the Manipur Violence


The ongoing violence in Manipur is a grave concern that demands immediate attention from the Indian government. With innocent lives lost and homes reduced to ashes, the situation calls for urgent action. It is disheartening to witness the stark contrast between the swift response to the Gujarat riots and the current negligence exhibited by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government. The prolonged silence and inaction only add insult to injury, leaving the people of Manipur feeling abandoned and hurt.


Lives Lost, Houses Burning:

Every day, Manipur bleeds as lives are lost and houses burn to the ground. The violence has created an atmosphere of fear and instability, where the innocent civilians bear the brunt of political and social unrest. Each life lost is a tragedy that could have been prevented if the government had taken timely action. The people of Manipur deserve better than this neglect and indifference from the very leaders who are meant to protect them.


Swift Action in Gujarat, Silence in Manipur:

It is perplexing to see how swiftly the government acted during the Gujarat riots, bringing the situation under control within three days. The decisive response displayed then stood as a testament to the government's ability to tackle such crises effectively. However, when it comes to Manipur, the inaction and silence are deafening. The stark contrast between the two instances raises questions about the government's priorities and its commitment to the well-being of all its citizens.


Prolonged Silence from Prime Minister Modi:

The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, who has been known for his vocal presence and charismatic leadership, has remained conspicuously silent about the Manipur violence. His failure to address the issue directly not only undermines his credibility but also sends a distressing message to the people of Manipur. Their suffering seems to go unnoticed, as their pleas for help and justice fall on deaf ears. Such neglect from the highest office of the country further exacerbates the pain and anguish experienced by the victims.


Hurting the People of Manipur:

The government's negligence and silence on the Manipur violence not only fail to address the immediate crisis but also cause emotional distress to the affected individuals. Every life lost, every home destroyed is a painful reminder of the government's lack of empathy and its failure to protect its citizens. The people of Manipur, already grappling with the violence, live with the additional burden of feeling abandoned and unheard by those in power.




The Manipur violence has reached a tipping point, demanding urgent attention and action from the Indian government. The neglect and silence exhibited by Prime Minister Modi and his administration are disheartening and raise serious questions about their commitment to the well-being of all citizens. Lives are being lost, houses are burning, and every day that passes without adequate intervention prolongs the suffering of the people of Manipur. 

It is high time for the government to step up, acknowledge the crisis, and take immediate measures to address the violence, ensuring the safety and security of all its citizens. 


Chandrashekhar Khangjrakpam

From Mumbai



 Navigating Market Research Challenges in the Aftermath of COVID-19 and the Ukraine War



In recent years, the world has witnessed significant global events that have had far-reaching consequences for businesses across various industries. The COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine war are two such events that have profoundly impacted the business landscape and, in particular, market research companies. This blog will delve into the challenges faced by market research companies in the aftermath of these events and explore strategies to overcome them.


Shifting Consumer Behavior:

The COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine war have had a profound impact on consumer behavior. Lockdowns, economic uncertainties, and geopolitical tensions have caused significant shifts in consumer preferences, spending patterns, and priorities. Market research companies are faced with the challenge of understanding these changes and adapting their research methodologies to capture accurate and up-to-date consumer insights.

To overcome this challenge, market research companies need to employ agile research techniques, leverage technology-driven data collection methods, and closely monitor changing consumer trends. By doing so, they can provide their clients with valuable insights into evolving consumer behavior and help them make informed business decisions.


Disrupted Supply Chains and Global Trade:

Both the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine war have disrupted global supply chains and trade dynamics. Market research companies heavily rely on accurate market data and intelligence, which can be affected by disruptions in the availability and flow of goods and services. This poses a challenge to market research companies in terms of data reliability, forecasting, and trend analysis.

To address this challenge, market research companies can explore alternative data sources, such as online surveys, social media analytics, and web scraping, to supplement traditional data collection methods. By diversifying their data collection approaches, they can mitigate the impact of disrupted supply chains and gain more comprehensive insights into market dynamics.


Economic Uncertainty and Budget Constraints:

The aftermath of both the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine war has left businesses grappling with economic uncertainty and budget constraints. Market research companies are faced with the challenge of providing high-quality research solutions while operating within reduced budgets and volatile market conditions.

To tackle this challenge, market research companies should focus on delivering targeted and actionable insights that directly address clients' most pressing needs. By adopting a consultative approach, they can help clients optimize their research investments and provide them with cost-effective solutions tailored to their specific requirements.


Geopolitical and Cultural Sensitivities:

The Ukraine war has led to heightened geopolitical tensions, making it crucial for market research companies to navigate cultural sensitivities and understand the impact of geopolitical dynamics on consumer perceptions and preferences. Cultural nuances and sensitivities can significantly influence research outcomes and pose challenges in obtaining accurate and representative data.

To overcome this challenge, market research companies should employ local experts and translators who possess a deep understanding of the cultural context and are capable of ensuring accurate interpretation of research findings. Additionally, engaging with diverse and representative sample groups can help overcome biases and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the market.



The challenges faced by market research companies in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine war are indeed significant. However, with the right strategies and a proactive mindset, these challenges can be transformed into opportunities for growth and innovation. By adapting research methodologies, leveraging technology, and closely monitoring changing market dynamics, market research companies can continue to provide valuable insights to their clients and play a vital role in shaping business strategies in a post-pandemic and post-war world.


Remember, staying agile, embracing technology, and maintaining a strong focus on delivering value to clients will be the keys to success for market research companies navigating the complexities of the current global landscape. 

We hope this is only a short-term impact, but we will continue to monitor the situation from a best practices standpoint.

Chandrashekhar Khangjrakpam

Director/ Founder

Centaur Research and I-Apac Online

Skype: chandrashekhar28



225-3, Guui 1(il)-dong Gwangjin-gu, 

Seoul - 143960, South Korea.


COVID-19 and its Impact on Market Research

Staying close to your customers is more important now…

COVID-19 is certainly impacting nearly everything in society, from cruises, public transportation, and other travel, to large events, and even toilet paper ! This is a serious topic and at our company (I Apac Online), we are all working remote-working policies indefinitely.

You should not see any disruption in service from us.

But what about its impact on survey research?

Keep in mind that we focus on Online quantitative research. The impact is obviously very different to other forms of research, including any in-person or qualitative research.

We aren’t experiencing disruptions to service due to the virus. Over the past week, we have seen a positive increase in survey participation.

Why is Market Research Interest Increasing During the Pandemic?

Changing work circumstances = increased availability. Many respondents are working from home, have reduced hours or have unfortunately been laid off. This means that they have more time to participate. (For people who have taken a hit to their incomes, incentives certainly don’t hurt either).

A need to be heard. Many if not most of us feel some sense of powerlessness in the face of this pandemic. Providing input and feedback, even in the form of an online survey, gives many a tiny sense of control, that we matter. Moreover, knowing that brands and organizations we rely on are moving forward with plans is a welcome sign of stability.

What about from a respondent perspective? Will response rates vary, and more importantly, will there be changes in survey responses because of this?

We have experienced increased response rates on nearly all consumer and B2B studies.

For healthcare studies, it has been more sporadic as you would expect. For any healthcare-related studies, it should definitely be taken into account as this topic is dominating the news and the overall conversation. Any data collected at this time should be marked/noted accordingly and used for context.

Elsewhere, the answer (per usual in market research) is “it depends.” Response rates will certainly fluctuate due to Coronavirus and will be less predictable than normal. It’s possible that response rates will continue to increase in some cases and down in others, which could impact incidence rates(IR), quota management, and project timelines.

We will be monitoring this very closely with our panelist.

Additionally, there could be increased anxiety (for both health and financial reasons, and perhaps even safety reasons), which could come across in any survey asking for opinions on nearly any topic.

Many brands and researchers should use this as an opportunity to learn more about situations like this and the impact on survey research. An interesting question to add at the end of surveys could ask about awareness/concern of COVID-19 and then segment the respondents. As clients start to question the data, it will be better to get ahead of any possible data differences.

Our economy is currently undergoing a shift as more people work from home and adjust their behaviors, which may become long-term habits.

Our industry is uniquely positioned to measure and leverage this.

We hope this is only a short-term impact, but we will continue to monitor the situation from a best practices standpoint.

Feel free to reach out to : -----

Chandrashekhar Khangjrakpam


Centaur Research and I-Apac Online

Skype: chandrashekhar28

225-3, Guui 1(il)-dong Gwangjin-gu, 
Seoul - 143960, South Korea.

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